Before care is basically the prep you do before your procedure to make sure the canvas that is your skin is in prime condition to accept pigmentation with little irritation or complications.
Before your appointment
This course is perfect for artists who want to:
- Avoid heavy exercise 24 hours before your appointment.
- Do not consume alcohol, drugs (other than those prescribed by your doctor). or caffeine within 48 hours of treatment
- Do not take anything which thins the skin or blood or raises blood pressure such as fish oil or any Omega-3, magnesium, aspirin, niacin or Vitamin E within 1 week of your appointment.
- Don’t take any anti-inflammatories such as aspirin, paracetamol, or Ibuprofen at least 24 hours beforehand. All of these can raise blood pressure which is problematic to cosmetic tattooing.
- Do not have any abrasive skin treatments such as laser or dermabrasion within 4 weeks of your appointment.
- Do not use any skincare containing Retin-A/Retinol, AHA’s, Alpha Hydroxy or acids on your face for 2 weeks before your appointment (the brows are worth it, don’t worry).
- Do not get your face sunburnt within 4 weeks of your appointment.
- Before your appointment please make sure that you are well rested, hydrated and that you have had something to eat. It is best to avoid scheduling in anything active or stressful after your appointment.
- Allow plenty of time in case your procedure takes longer than expected.
- For Ombré Brow appointments do not have any hair removal or tinting within 1 week before your appointment.
- Do not have any botox or anti-wrinkle injections to the upper face within 2 weeks of your appointment.
- Apply Bepanthen for Nappy Rash 2-5 times a day for 2 weeks before your appointment for easy tattooing and optimum results.
- Increase your water intake the week prior to your appointment to hydrate the lips.
- If you have a cold sore within 6 weeks of your appointment you must reschedule and wait untill all has healed.
- Do not get teeth whitening for 2 weeks before your appointment.
- Do not get any lip filler within 4 weeks of your appointment.